10 great PS Vita games under £20

The PS Vita is a wonderful machine which, not unlike the Wii U, may have struggled commercially in the UK, but is home to some absolutely fantastic games.
Gaming is cheaper than ever now, and if you own a console like the PS Vita you’ve got access to a large library of gems that you can pick up for far less than you’d have paid even 10 years ago.
So here’s an list for those of you who might have just purchased a Vita and are looking to grab some great games at super-low prices, or maybe you’ve had one for a while and fancy dusting it off to play some gems you missed over the years.
If so, here are the best PS Vita games available for under £20:
10: Uncharted: Golden Abyss

One of the most graphically impressive games on the system and probably the most technically impressive handheld game ever released, Nathan Drake’s portable adventure is extremely well done.
All of the Vita’s bells and whistles are utlilised in this adventure, and you’ll find yourself swiping your way through puzzles as well as engaging in the more traditional cover shooting.
Naughty Dog have translated what is traditionally a blockbuster big-screen adventure franchise for a portable system really well. A must for adventure game lovers.
It’s available here from Amazon.
9: Gravity Rush

As rare as it is to see such ambition from a handheld game, it’s rarer still to see that ambition executed so well.
Gravity Rush is a third-person action adventure that lets you manipulate gravity in order to solve puzzles and make your way through the game. It boasts a wonderful atmosphere and soundtrack, and if you’re a fan of Japanese fairy-tales this is a must-own.
Click here to check the price from Amazon.
8: Child of Light

Inspired by the art of Ghibli, Child of Light is a gorgeous 2D side-scroller with light RPG elements, and is wonderfully accessible to anyone. It’s simply one of the best games available for the Vita.
It’s available here from Amazon.
7: Minecraft

Minecraft needs no introduction, but it’s safe to say that the Vita version is amongst the best handheld versions of the game. If you need a game you can sink hours into, this is it.
Click here to check the price from Amazon.
6: Tearaway

Tearaway represents possibly the best use of a console’s gimmick ever made. And I mean that having played Wii Sports to death.
In Tearaway, you take command of Iota – a paper guy living in a paper world. You adventure through the world by tearing and folding your way past enemies and solving puzzles.
The way it utilises the Vita’s camera to augment the game with the real world is truly unique. Essential stuff.
It’s available here from Amazon.
5: Persona 4 Golden

The best game in the series. In Persona 4 you play the role of a Japanese schoolboy caught up in an adventure of mystery, murder, intrigue and large-than-life characters.
The Persona games are as unique as they are brilliant, and if you’ve never tried one you owe it to yourself to play this.
Click here to check it out on Amazon.
4: Final Fantasy X/X2 Remastered

Buy this game for the Final Fantasy X remaster, and once you’re done with that maybe sample X-2. But X is worth it for the price alone. A sprawling and expertly crafted adventure from Square Enix that now looks even more gorgeous than it did all those years ago on the PS2.
Absolutely essential for Final Fantasy and RPG fans.
It’s available here from Amazon.
3: Mortal Kombat

Quite simply the best fighting game on the system, I really didn’t expect Mortal Kombat to turn out as well as it did.
It’s perfect for when you only have time for a short burst of gameplay – MK is a series experiencing something of a renaissance and it has been brilliantly and beautifully translated to Sony’s portable.
Click here to check the price on Amazon.
2: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

The best way to experience Metal Gear on the go, the only bad thing to say about this game is that it doesn’t include the original or MGS4 – but with 2 and 3 it has two of the best in the series. The touch-screen controls are implemented very well, subtly enhancing the experience without intruding on the excellent core gameplay the series is known for. A must-have.
If you’re after a challenge, it’s available here from Amazon.
1: Rayman Legends

I’ve waxed lyrical about the merits of this game several times on this site already. I truly envy you if you’re yet to jump in and play this. Legends is a colourful, unique, challenging, lengthy, satisfying, addictive, polished platformer that gets better the more you play it.
Simply put, Rayman legends s is in my opinion the best 2D platformer ever made. Play it now if you haven’t already.