The 5 best PS4 exclusives

With the PS4 and Xbox One so similar in many ways, and big-budget third party titles published across both machines (as well with the PC), the biggest differential between the two consoles is the exclusives they offer.

Here are what I deem to be the best 5 PS4-exclusive games currently available:

5: The Last of Us Remastered

It may be an odd one to start the list off with, as it’s technically also available on the PS3 and thus the term ‘exclusive’ is being used liberally here, but TLOUR is probably the best example of how to do a ‘current-gen-remaster’ across any system.

It’s simply an unforgettable adventure, excelling in both story-telling and gameplay departments. It’s a tense, compelling and replayable adventure that any PS4 owner should play.

It’s available from Amazon here.

4: Uncharted 4

Another one from Naughty Dog. The best-looking game released on console, after a somewhat muted first hour Uncharted 4 becomes arguably the best game of the series. Full of action-packed set pieces, fun climbing sections, excellent cover-based gunplay and some brilliant vehicle sections, Drake’s latest adventure was well worth the wait.

It’s available from Amazon, click here for the price.

3: Rez: Infinite

The most impressive game for PSVR by some distance. Rez Infinite is the one game for Sony’s virtual reality that feels like a fully-fleshed out game rather than a tech demo. It’s an intense, beautiful, and at times even emotional rollercoaster of an experience – and there’s nothing like it out there on the market. Rez has never been better.

 It’s available on Amazon here.

2: The Last Guardian

Announced an age ago for the PS3, TLG suffered countless delays, reworks, console switches, and several years of absolute silence from the developer. When it was revealed in 2016 that the game would be coming Christmas of that year, many couldn’t (and didn’t) believe it.

When it actually did launch, the only thing less believable that it actually had landed was that it was actually good. Very good, as it turns out. Although we really should never have doubted the developers that brought us ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, games that get delayed for years rarely turn out to be anywhere near the quality on show here.

Your part cat/bat/chicken hybrid Trico is as lovable as he is infuriating to get through the adventure with, but it all amounts to the most unique experience available on the current generation. A must-play.

If you’re after a challenge, it’s available from Amazon here.

1: Bloodborne


In my opinion this is the best game on the system. Possessing more character and originality than Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, brings a hauntingly atmospheric challenge to the PS4. It couples Dark Souls’ challenge and depth with speed, style and grace, and introduces us to a unique Halloween world full of charm and wonder.

It still has From Software’s trademark difficulty curve and does require patience, but once everything clicks there’s no better single player experience on the system.

Bloodborne is avaiable here from Amazon.

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