Road to Stampers Forever: Day 5

The end is nigh for my 100% playthrough of Banjo Kazooie, so my main mission of the day was to conquer the final level and finish off ol’ Grunty.   Let’s see how I got on…   (Check out previous days here)   Milestones   Banjo Kazooie: The BK journey comes to an end!   Click Clock Wood was the final […]

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Road to Stampers Forever: Day 4

After a strong third day I was determined to plough on through Banjo Kazooie, and ideally complete another series of snapshots for one of the older titles, which I’m slowly starting to appreciate… slowly.   Let’s see how I got on…

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Road to Stampers Forever: Day 3

After feeling a tad dejected by the realisation that I’d underestimated the sheer scope of this task on my second Day, in true British spirit I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and pledged to continue. And what better way to channel my renewed vigor than to delve head-first into a certain amphibian-centric brawler? Check out the previous days here. […]

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Road to Stampers Forever: Day 1

Stampers Forever is the name given to an Achievement in the Rare Replay Collection that requires the collection of 330 stamps across the 30 games in the collection. Stamps are obtained by completing milestones throughout the completion of each game, and beating playlists and snapshots comprised of set-pieces from each game.

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A Smash Bros Switch Wishlist

Super Smash Bros is one of Nintendo’s best-selling and most critically acclaimed franchises, with 4 games spanning 4 console generations (5 if you count the 3DS version separately). It’s inevitable that we’ll see an instalment for the recently launched Switch within the next couple of years, but with the latest edition reaching breaking point in terms of character roster and stage selection, […]

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A Response to the Nintendo Switch Criticism

  On Friday Nintendo revealed a lot more details about the Switch, with less than two months to go until its launch.   The reveal was met with a lot of negative backlash from gamers and journalists alike, prompting videos and articles declaring that we were in for another Wii U-esque failure.   Personally, I feel this is an overstated and […]

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10 games I want to see on the Switch

With the Nintendo Switch only 4 months away, precious little is still known about the console in terms of pricing, storage, battery life, and most importantly: the games. Via the announcement trailer We’ve had a tease of a new Mario, possibly an updated Mario Kart and Splatoon, Skyrim and NBA2K, but here are 10 titles I’d love to see on […]

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